Whether tall, short, or overweight, large breasts reduce the standard of living by causing a number of problems in ladies' bodies. Breast reduction is an operation that can change and improve the standard of life for women with large breasts. The biggest complaint of many patients who applied to plastic surgery doctors due to their large breasts is back and neck pain.
The fact that the breasts are too small to be small may cause some physical distress and psychological stress in women. Women with large breasts, this situation can not find appropriate clothes for the body, the clothes worn on the clothes and not make himself overweight show cause. The breasts of older women can complain of diaper rashes, bad odors, skin sores caused by weight and friction. Such reasons can also cause stress in women's social lives and may be the cause of shyness and shyness in society.
A woman with large breasts may have neck and back pain. Braces in the shoulder area can occur in the places of the sling and wounds. Large breasts can cause humps by disrupting body osturia.
With chest reduction, it is possible to get rid of these complaints completely. During the breast reduction operation, the weight of the chest is reduced, the weight of the chest tissue is lifted and reshaped due to the weight. This operation is performed under general anesthesia, around the nipple and under the chest. Shrinking and decreasing the weight of the chest with the suspension is made to stand upright and full. Nipple tips may also be reduced during operation if necessary. During operation the operation according to the size of the chest may last 2-4 hours on average.
One night in the hospital after the operation, you must stay under the supervision of a doctor. During your stay in the hospital, there are drains that prevent the accumulation of blood in the operation area. These drains are usually removed by your doctor while the patient is discharged.
A dressing of the operation area is required for one week to ten days. For about 4 weeks, you must use the bra without athletes. After 3 days, they can return to their desk work. It should be ensured that the arm is not raised above the shoulder level for 3 weeks and the weight is not lifted. After 4 weeks you can return to your normal social life, play sports or swim.
Is the test performed before the surgery? Is the surgery risky?
Measures will be taken to evaluate the blood tests to be performed before the breast reduction operation and to check the anesthesia doctor for the least risk.
Is there a scar after the breast reduction?
In classic breast reduction operation, an inverted T-shaped trace is formed at the lower chest. With the vertical scar technique we use in appropriate patients, the trace can be shortened and reduced. This trail will be obscured in 6 months to 1 year with aesthetic suture techniques and the application of the cream that will be recommended to you after the surgery.
Can I breastfeed if I get pregnant after having breast reduction surgery?
In the studies, it was found that 20% breastfeeding problems may occur after breast reduction operation and this risk can be reduced by the developing surgical techniques. Moreover, the problem of not being able to breastfeed because of such a problem in the life of the lady is an issue that can be ignored. Although the best milk in the newborn is breast milk, the mother's mental and physical health is as important as the baby she is to bear.
Is a breast bigger than the other, is there any treatment?
Breast reduction can be obscured by decreasing prominent asymmetries in the chest.
What are the post-operative adverse events?
As in every surgery, there are certain risks associated with anesthesia and operation. The risks associated with the operation include bleeding, infection, wound healing problems, skin circulation problems on the nipple or skin, temporary or permanent loss of sensation, nipple loss, hypertrophic scar, asymmetry.
Is it a painful procedure?
Since the surgery is done under general anesthesia, you will not feel any pain. The painkillers given to you after the operation will ensure the painless or less painful postoperative period.
Do I relax after the surgery?
Patients' reactions after surgery are usually im a big burden on me, doctor bir. In a short period of time, the neck and back pain is improved, and if there are wounds between the shoulder and the chest and underneath, they disappear. The patient feels better when he realizes that the clothes he wears are better placed.
How is my breast size decided after surgery?
The size will be wider than the old one and suitable for the newly formed breasts. It will create body measurements by considering your small size requests. In the progress of the operation, it will be easier to understand that the future growth of the patients and their subsequent photos will be a growth.

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