Lips have a very important place in the appearance of the face. It is more effective than other facial organs. Lips, live, plump, aesthetic appearance refers to youth and health. It gives meaning to many myths. Brightness and sex. It helps us to present many statements. The fact that the prominent shape of the lip is in the middle and the ratio of the lower-upper lip thickness to each other is very good is indicative of a lack of structure on the lip.
Usage areas
Lip aesthetics;
Lips to the thin ones
For those who want to have thick and full lips
It is applied to those who want to have more lively and full lips.
The purpose of lip aesthetic surgery is to thicken the lips and make their limits more pronounced. In addition, wrinkles are reduced and plumped in this operation. The basic rule to pay attention to is that the face does not lose its harmony and its naturalness.
Lip aesthetic methods
It is usually the first choice in lip aesthetics. Liquid silicone and silicone oil are used in filling. They are injected into the facial tissues. However, because of the negative effects of these substances, injection into direct tissue is now prohibited.
Temporary fillers
Collagen filling: It is obtained from the cow skin. However, it was determined that it triggered mad cow disease and allergy, and its usage area decreased considerably. It is not used without testing.
Hyaluronik Asit Dolgusu: En yaygın olarak kullanılan maddedir. Derinin yapısında da bulunan doğal bir malzemedir. Cilde sağlıklı, canlı ve diri bir görünüm kazandırır. Test gerektirmeden güvenli bir şekilde uygulanabilir. Restylane denilen ve iğne ile enjekte edilen Hyaluronik asit dudak kenarlarını dikleştirme ve belirginleştirme için kullanılmaktadır.
Diğer katı dolgular: Bu dolgular enjektörle değil, ameliyatla yerleştirilir. İnsan derisinden elde edilir. Dudak çevresinden oluşturulan kesilerden dudak içine yerleştirilir. Dezavantajı dudağı delerek dışarı çıkabilmesidir. Bu sebepten pek tercih edilmez.
Yaş dolgusu: Kişinin kendi vücudundan alınan yağ hücreleri dudaklara veya istenirse kırışıklıklara enjekte edilir. Uygulama birkaç defa tekrarlanırsa etkili bir dudak kalınlaştırması sağlanabilir. Alerji veya yan etkisi yoktur.
Deri hücreleri: Kişinin kendi vucüdundan alınan deri altı dokusu ve yağ hücreleri karıştırılarak doku kokteyli şeklinde dudaklara enjekte edilir. Koyulan hücreler zamanla eriyebilir. Bu yüzden tekrarlamak gerekir. Hiçbir alerji riski ve yan etkisi yoktur.
Lip plastic surgery: It is to provide thickening of the lip by surgical operations without using filler. Plastic surgeon determines the method according to the person's lip structure and shares it with the patient. It is not temporary. Permanent and best results are taken from this method.
Lip vine: The sutures made through the nose also pass through the lips and are then connected. The lip is lifted upwards. It is a method used in lips hanging downwards.
Lip botox: The purpose of this method is to remove the lines on the lip or to flip down the corners of the mouth.
In applications, ice or drug cream is applied to prevent pain. Or regional places are numb.

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